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Cross-cut saw Tigerstop

Cross-cut saw Tigerstop / Tigerstop / UKA 600Cross-cut saw Tigerstop / Tigerstop / UKA 600Cross-cut saw Tigerstop / Tigerstop / UKA 600Cross-cut saw Tigerstop / Tigerstop / UKA 600Cross-cut saw Tigerstop / Tigerstop / UKA 600Cross-cut saw Tigerstop / Tigerstop / UKA 600
Cross-cut saw Tigerstop / Tigerstop / UKA 600Cross-cut saw Tigerstop / Tigerstop / UKA 600Cross-cut saw Tigerstop / Tigerstop / UKA 600Cross-cut saw Tigerstop / Tigerstop / UKA 600Cross-cut saw Tigerstop / Tigerstop / UKA 600Cross-cut saw Tigerstop / Tigerstop / UKA 600
typeUKA 600
stock number0401745
Questions about this machine
Cross-cut saw
Brand: Tigerstop
Type: UKA 600
Year of manufacture: 2015

Tiger UKA 600 Cross cut installation consisting of :

Tiger Stop 7.5 Automatic Stop and pusher

Total length : 7.95 meter
Working length : 7.35 meter
Net working length (automatic saw) : 6 meter
Voltage : 220 Volt 50 Hz
Motor power : 0,45 Kw
Feed speed : maximum 40 m/min
(Depends on load)
Précision : +/- 0,4 mm as pusher.

Infeed-table for TigerStop 6.8
Total length :  7.4 meters
Table width :  325 mm

Up-stroke angle cross- cutting saw model UKA 600 with pneumatic stroke and clamping device
Saw unit mounted on rotating table of diameter :  980 mm
Saw blade diameter :  600 mm
Cutting capacity :  165 x 240 mm 90 degrees
Maximum cutting height :  165 mm at the Fence and 175 mm Diameter
(at 90 degrees) for round material
Cutting angles :  30 - 90 - 30 degrees
45 - 90 - 45 degrees with automatic function
Motor power :  5.5 Kw
Voltage :  00 Volt 50 Hz
Working height :  920 mm

The machine is operated by push button for semi-automatic use or fully automatic for 90 degree angles controlled by the TigerStop. The rotation table is controlled by a Tigerstop Servo drive TigerDrive

Outfeed / infeed table with side fence
Length :  3.7 meter
Width :  325 mm

PC control with Beamworks programme, Computer with Touch Panel and computer cabinet
Cut list download possibilities for csv file.

Extension with 6 strand flipper-loading device
For automatic loading of material with length from 500 - 6000 mm. Shorter piece can be put directly on the infeed table

Loader consisting of :
6 flipper beams with tables including the 2 aluminium profiles 80 x 40 mm per beam, the flippers, the connecting tube, 1 pneumatic cylinder with 24 volt valve. The net loading length is approximately 1.38 meter.
1 extra support strand without flippers on the outside of loader
2 extra cylinder kit for loading device

Complete electric control cabinet with PLC , Power supply,
Emergency stop safety relais, complete wiring etc
(Including extra electric wiring for safety fence door)

Label printer Package for Beamworks

Safety fence at the back of the machine infeed side only Including entry door with safety lock
And extra guarding at the front to prevent entry between the Loading strands.

Product length measuring with sensor inside the safety hood Controlled from the Tigerstop controller.

The length measuring and downloading with Tigerlinks works only on 90 degree cuts

Tigerlink Download software for downloading csv file (cut list )

The technical data and descriptions are copied from the original order confirmation. Data is for information purposes only and is not binding.

Contact person

Richard Brakweh
Sales Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg & Scandinavia