Direct Postforming IMA

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Highly complex direct postforming technology - ready for series production

Word got around to Great Britain that Wehrmann has already successfully designed and built direct postforming machines for caravan interior parts.
An already well-known supplier of lightweight components recently started using such a system.
This enables him to offer the caravan industry, which is still booming, straight and curved components with perfect edge optics.
The basic structure of the one-sided machine has a rolling transport chain, which conveys the workpieces through the machine with the highest precision and in an energy-saving manner. The unique Wehrmann counter pressure has both straight and curved workpieces in all required radii, perfectly "under control".

Here the glue is applied to the overhang and in the "gusset"

The point-thinning unit for a perfect radius transition to the surface

Postforming edge banding machine IMA
Powerful units, designed for precision work, guarantee perfect formatting