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CNC Bearbeitungszentrum mit 5 Achsen, CONQUEST 715

CNC Bearbeitungszentrum mit 5 Achsen / COSMEC / CONQUEST 715CNC Bearbeitungszentrum mit 5 Achsen / COSMEC / CONQUEST 715CNC Bearbeitungszentrum mit 5 Achsen / COSMEC / CONQUEST 715
CNC Bearbeitungszentrum mit 5 Achsen / COSMEC / CONQUEST 715CNC Bearbeitungszentrum mit 5 Achsen / COSMEC / CONQUEST 715CNC Bearbeitungszentrum mit 5 Achsen / COSMEC / CONQUEST 715
typeCONQUEST 715
stock number1110208
- High precision CNC machine

- Fast and easy setup thanks to camera with fiducial recognition

- Z - axis 880 mm
Questions about this machine
CNC processing centre with 5 axes
Brand: Cosmec
Type: Conquest 715
New machine

Just an example for a configuration, other equipment is available on request:

High-precision CNC - centre with camera centering system.
Ideal machine for milling works in digital print, wood- and plastics as well as in the advertising technique

Gantry drive system

5-axis main spindle complete interpolating

Moving route:
- X - axis 4.850 mm
- Y - axis 2.630 mm
- Z - axis 880 mm

Working table:
Vacuum grid table system, made out of Sandwich-Bakelit and, consisting of:
- 1 Upper plate with grid 50 mm, also the use of  COSMEC vakuum cups is possible (vacuum cups optional available)
- 1 Lower plate with rectangular chanels for ideal vacuum distribution

X - axis 4.210 mm
Y - axis 2.210 mm

Table can be split in 2 working fields
Each field with 3 workpiece stops in X - direction, 1 workpiece stop in Y- direction

2 pcs. vacuum pumps each 250 m³/h

Unit equipment:
- 12 kW Electro spindle HSK F 63, with liquid cooling
- Right- left hand rotation
- Programmablbe rotation speed 500 - 22.000 rpm
- With bellows-valve suction hood, stepless NC controlled
- Tool changing magazine 12 - fold, placed in the back at Gantry portal in, moving in X - direction

Automatical tool length measuring system
- After entering the tools in the data base the tool length can be measured automatical via a sensor which is mounted on the Gantry portal. The exact length will be transfered to the tool data base.

Workpiece centering via Camera,
- With optical camera, mounted on processing support
- The camera recognizes fiducials on the workpieces and modifies the milling datas automatical

Safety devices:
- Space saving housings of the processign area of the working units with lateral bumper safety
- Safety grid for the rear machine area with lateral door

Numerical Control „OSAI OPEN M“ for complete interpolation in 5 axes, with possibility to program during the working process, with:
* Miller radius compensation
* Screw-formed 3D interpolation
* Automatical corner deceleration
* Geometric and parametric programming

CAD CAM - Programming software ASPAN-PROSPECT
- The user draws production workpieces quick and easy in the CAD environment
- ASPAN can communicate with a variety of external programms via the formats ASC und DXF
- ASPAN has an own Auto-Software-Programming language (APL). User can create new CAD- and CAM commands with APL to optimize their own production processes.

your contact person

Richard Brakweh
Sales Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg & Scandinavia