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Tech-Together: Septembers trade fair highlight - Wehrmann takes part

In-house exhibition 27th - 29th September 2021
Dieselstraße 1, 32683 Barntrup

Register via techtogether@wehrmann-maschinen.de or phone 05263410
The trade fair highlight in September:

• A group of committed machine and plant manufacturers from OWL (Ostwestfalen-Lippe) created an alternative event that is supposed to bring woodworking technology together with interested customers.
• The event will take place September 27th -29th. Simultaneously to the LIGNA.IN, since Ligna is being held as an online event this year due to corona.
• A combination of in-house exhibitions and virtual content was chosen in order to address a broader international group.
•The focus is on the exchange of technology, innovations, new developments and customer solutions.
• In compliance with all Corona protective measures, we are happy to welcome interested customers to our showroom in Barntrup. Appointments are made via www.tech-together.de or directly through our sales team.

What´s planned:
  • Yours and our safety
    The AHA and 3G rules apply as does contact registration. Fixed appointments in advance and the limitation of simultaneous appointments ensure sufficient spacing. You will find enough space on approx. 800m² of exhibition space and still be able to get very close to the machines.
  • Lots of space for individual exchange
    The past 1 ½  years have not only changed the world, but also the production requirements in manufacturing. Booming demand in many business areas must be met as well as a total loss of demand in others. In addition to the general uncertainty, there are currently many opportunities to actively shape the future. There is certainly enough potential for discussions and we are happy to take time for your concerns.
  • Solutions for manufacturing
    Machines with immediate availability are the heroes of the hour. We would like to present a few of our favourites to you at the in-house exhibition.
  • Your physical well-being
    Even if East Westphalians are said to have a somewhat rough temper, hospitality is very important to us. If, after the thirst for knowledge, normal hunger sets in, we´ve prepared something for you.